1 The Very Reverend William Ogle Moore (1801 - 1874) son of George Ogle Moore and Elizbeth Armstrong.
............ + Casey - Anna (1809 - 1882)
.................. 2 John James Ogle Moore (1836 - 1906)
.................. + Susan Griffith (1835 - 1908)
........................ 3 George Ogle Moore (1862 - 1943)
........................ + Ethel McRae Palmer
........................ 3 Jane Elizabeth Frances Moore (1864 - 1954)
........................ 3 Alice Henrietta Ogle Moore (1865 - 1866)
........................ 3 James Ogle Moore (1868 - 1947)
........................ + Mary Dryden (1879 - 1972)
.............................. 4 John James Ogle Moore (1907 - 1984)
.............................. + Irene May Flanagan (1909 - 1998)
.................................... 5 Marie Ellen Moore (1935 - )
.................................... + Colin Worthington Davis (1936 - )
.......................................... 6 Stephanie Jane Davis (1962 - )
.......................................... +
.......................................... 6 Anthony Lance Davis (1964 - )
.......................................... +
.................................... 5 John James Moore (1941 - )
.................................... + Susan Murray
.......................................... 6 Jason James Moore
.......................................... 6 Katrina Moore
.............................. 4 Violet S Moore (1910 - )
.............................. + Gordon C J (Don), Martin
.................................... 5 Kevin Martin
.................................... 5 Lois Martin
.................................... + Ives
.................................... 5 Geoffry Martin
.............................. 4 Mavis G Moore (1911 - )
.............................. + Alfred E Erdman (1907 - )
.................................... 5 Ian Erdman
.................................... 5 Edward Erdman
.................................... 5 Alan Erdman
.............................. 4 Eva D Moore (1913 - )
.............................. + Harold R (Roy), Halnan
.................................... 5 Carol/Kate Halnan
.................................... + Meyer
.................................... 5 Robyn Halnan
.................................... + Saunders
.............................. 4 Blanche C Moore (1914 - 1933)
........................ 3 Emma Teresa Moore (1870 - 1959)
.................. 2 Edward Ogle Moore ( - 1881)
.................. 2 Hy Ogle Moore (1848 - 1903)
.................. + Jane Sara Montgomery ( - 1920)
........................ 3 William Montgomery Ogle Moore (1882 - 1898)
........................ 3 Helen Ogle Moore (1885 - )
........................ 3 Alice Wilhelmina Ogle Moore (1880 - 1964)
........................ 3 Harry Francis Ogle Moore (1883 - 1884)
........................ 3 Harry Francis Ogle Moore (1884 - )
.................. 2 Jane Ogle Moore (1841 - 1934)
.................. + Sir Richard Henn Collins (1842 - 1911)
........................ 3 Stephen Ogle Collins (1875 - 1958)
........................ + Agnes Juliett Lambert (1974 - 1955)
........................ 3 Frances Helen Collins (1869 - )
........................ + Rt Reverend Henry Henn (1858 - )
........................ 3 Hilda Jane Collins
........................ 3 Mary Brenda Nepenthe Collins
........................ 3 Richard Henn Collins (1873 - )
.................. 2 Sarah Ogle Moore ( - 1926)
.................. + Richard Langrishe
.................. 2 Hildebrand Ogle Moore (1851 - 1890)
.................. + Essie hopkinson
.................. 2 Alice Mary Moore ( - 1909)
.................. + Rt Honorable Francis Theophilius Brooke (1851 - )
........................ 3 Lt Col George Frank Brooke (1878 - 1966)
........................ 3 Alice Gertrude Brooke (1966 - )
........................ 3 Henry Hastings Brooke (1882 - 1920)
.................. 2 Anne Wilhelmina Moore ( - 1870)
.................. + Austin Samuel
........................ 3 Austin Samuel Cooper (1870 - )
........................ + Evelyn Ethel Leahy ( - 1924)
.................. 2 Francis (Frank) Ogle Moore (1846 - 1907)
.................. + Jane ( - 1915)
........................ 3 Evelyn Francis Moore
........................ + Harvey Thomas
.................. 2 Helen Ogle Moore (1837 - )
.................. 2 ? Moore
.................. + Robert Truell ( - 1926)