D: 20th May 1958 Chatswood, NSW.
Richard Ogle Moore wrote his memoirs entitled: "Sunlit Plains Extended - The Making of a Bushman".
Mr. Richard Ogle Moore, who died in Sydney on 19th May at the age of 90, was a well known station manager in New South Wales and Queensland for many years. He retired from active work in 1935 and had been living in retirement in Sydney since then.
The late Mr. Moore was born at Albury and educated at Geelong Grammar School, Victoria. He commenced his pastoral career as a jackeroo on Kilfera Station, Ivanhoe, and rose to the position of overseer on that station. He was then appointed manager of Coan Downs, Lake Cargellico, N.S.W., and remained there for 28 years until 1915. For short periods Mr. Moore managed Coombing Park, at Carcoar, N.S.W., and Caragabal, Forbes, N.S.W., but in 1917 he went to Windouran, Deniliquin, N.S.W., where he started a sheep stud.
When Windouran was sold Mr. Moore was appointed manager of Bellevue, Yaraka, Queensland, for Messrs. A. Walker and Co., and then in 1926 he took over the management of Messrs. Clarke and Whiting's Isis Downs Station, Isisford, Queensland, where he remained until retiring in 1935. Whilst at Isis Downs he was a councillor and chairman of the Isisford Shire, and earlier he had been a Shire Councillor whilst at Windouran.
Mr. Moore's wife died in 1936, but he is survived by two sons (R.C., of Charleville, Q., and W.O., of Shadyside, Longreach, Q.), and two daughters (Mrs. Mcintosh, of Forbes, N.S.W., and Mrs. Alec. Ramsay, of Toowoomba, Q.) "
(Taken directly from http://oa.anu.edu.au/obituary/moore-richard-ogle-743).